第一部 インボイス制度・購買部設立説明会

Lecture on “Invoice System Introduction”
第二部 2022年度安全衛生協力会総会
総会のはじまりは、安全衛生協力会会長の有限会社オリカベ管工設備 社長 伊藤様から、心温まるご挨拶を賜りました。

有限会社 オリカベ管工設備 社長 伊藤 茂様
Mr.Shigeru Ito, President of Orikabe Piping Equipment Co., Ltd.
弊社代表取締役の近藤からは、「方針発表」がありました。売り上げ実績の報告から始まり、今後の新規工事受注状況、the campus、ILCへの取り組み等、今後の方針について発表がありました。

株式会社 近藤設備 代表取締役 近藤正彦
Mr.Masahiko Kondo, President of Kondo Equipment Co., Ltd.


English follows↓↓
Invoice system/Purchasing Department Establishment Briefing and 2022 Safety and Sanitation Cooperation Meeting General Meeting
On October 29(Saturday), 2022 , we held the 2022 Safety and Sanitation Cooperation Meeting General Meeting with the help of Hotel Koyokan.
First, we invited our corporate consulting tax accountant as a lecturer on the introduction of the invoice system, and the consulting tax accountant gave a detailed lecture on problems and how to fill out application and notification forms. In addition, Mr.Yonezawa from the Accounting and General Affairs Department explained our company’s response.
Next, Mr.Takizawa, General Manager of the Administration Headquarters, explained the newly established Purchasing Department. Mr.Takizawa explained the circumstances leading up to the establishment of the Purchasing Department and asked for the cooperation and understanding of all relevant parties.
The general meeting began with a warm greeting from Mr.Shigeru Ito, president of Orikabe Piping Equipment Co., Ltd. and chairman of the Safety and Sanitation Cooperation Meeting.
Our president made a policy announcement,which included a report on sales results, the status of new construction orders, the campus, and effort on the ILC,and the announcements about future policies.
Finally, Mr.Sato, the secretary general, gave an activity report, and the proceedings were deliberated without delay.
Although it was held for the first time after three years due to the corona disaster, we appreciated the long time cooperation of our partner companies, and we were able to deepen information exchange and interaction with our partner companies.
Chinese follows↓↓
大会在安全卫生协力会会长 、有限责任公司Orikabe管工设备董事长伊藤茂的热情问候中拉开序幕。
我司董事长就公司未来的方针政策进行了演讲。方针政策包括:销售业绩报告,新施工订单状况、the campus、ILC举措等。
虽然由于新冠肺炎时隔 3 年我司才能再次举办安全卫生合作协会全体会议,但是这次会议加深了近藤设备与合作公司的信息交流和互动,最后我们再次非常感谢合作公司平日的大力支持!