弊社が現在開発中のアウトドアフィールド<the campus~トロイカの森~>がこの勉強会の会場となるのは、今年で3年目となります。
2020-2120 コンセツ100年プロジェクト-東北から世界に、そして宇宙へ
第一部では、高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK)名誉教授 吉岡様をはじめとした講演が行われました。

Emeritus Professor of KEK Professor Yoshioka

東日本機電開発株式会社 社長 水戸谷 剛様
East Japan Kiden Kaihatsu Co., Ltd. President Mitoya
株式会社柴田産業 社長 柴田 君也様
Shibata Sangyo Co., Ltd. President Shibata


親睦会では、<the campus>スタッフの工夫を凝らした料理を囲み、コロナ禍の影響で普段は集まれない環境下ですが、今回感染予防に充分留意をして開催した勉強会なので情報交換や、楽しい話題に花を咲かせたりと各々楽しまれ、幕を閉じました。

ILC(国際リニアコライダー:International Linear Collider)は、国際協力によって設計開発が推進されている次世代の「直線型衝突加速器」です。
English follows↓↓
“ILC Iwate Chubu Study Group” was held at the campus
On November 18th, the “ILC Iwate Chubu Study Group” was held with the aim of attracting the “ILC (International Linear Collider)” to the Iwate prefecture.
This is the third year that the outdoor field “the campus ~Forest of Troikai~”, which is currently under development by our company, became the venue for the study session.
In the first part, a lecture was given by Professor Yoshioka,who is the emeritus professor of KEK.
In the second part, a workshop was held with the themes of “concrete image of activities to foster ILC momentum from the local area” and “concrete image of urban development that effectively utilizes the impact of the ILC”, various people including local government officials,companies in various fields exchanged ideas through free discussions.
If the attraction is realized, many foreign researchers and their families will reside and stay here. At the end of the workshop an announcement was made, each group put together specific proposals related to tourism, education, and culture, as well as ideas such as “regional problem-solving type” ILC community development that effectively utilizes the rich natural and regional resources that will lead the revitalization of Japan.
Some guests wished to participate in the Kurort Health Waiking, which was held at the same time as the workshop, they enjoyed the scenery of the autumn colored mountains.
At the get-together, the guests enjoyed the campus staff’s ingenious dishes, although we weren’t able to gather normally due to the effects of the corona disaster, this study session was held with due consideration for infection prevention, so we were able to exchange information and have fun talking. After it was enjoyed by each of guests, the “ILC Iwate Chubu Study Group” successfully came to the end.
What is ILC?
The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a next-generation “linear collider” whose design and development are being promoted through international cooperation.
Accelerators are ultra-precise systems that bring together state-of-the-art technologies. In order to realize ILC, many cutting-edge technologies including superconducting technology are required. The range of applications is considered to be extremely diverse, from medical and life sciences to the creation of materials and parts with new functions, information and communication, weighing and measurement, and the environment and energy fields.
Electrons and their antiparticles, particles of positrons, are accelerated to near the speed of light by electric and magnetic forces, and collided head-on with ultra-high energy. By artificially reproducing the state after one trillionth of a second from the “Big Bang” which is the beginning of the universe, we will search for unknown particles and explore the mystery of the birth of the universe.
Chinese follows↓↓
在the campus举办“ILC岩手中部学习会”
11月18日,我司在the campus举办“ILC岩手中部学习会”,旨在将“ILC(国际直线对撞机)”项目招揽到岩手县。
今年是本公司正在开发的户外场地“the campus~三驾马车之森~”第3年举办该学习会。
联欢会上,大家尽情享用the campus工作人员精心烹制的佳肴。虽然平时受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,无法正常聚餐,但本次学习会充分考虑了防疫措施,所以大家能够畅快地交流信息、乐此不疲,学习会在一片欢声笑语中落下了帷幕。
ILC(国际直线对撞机:International Linear Collider,简称ILC)是由国际合作推进设计研发的下一代“直线对撞机”。